*yawn* just took a nap on my mat. Now I don't know what to do.
Maybe I should try to do a sit up from this position. Seems like my abs getting a bit lax nowadays. Got to work out a bit more.
I've even picked up how to do pole dancing. Am I doing it right though? Doesn't look so cool like when the other adults do it.
Maybe it's my innocent face. Oh well, can't be helped. I just look this innocent, can't change the fact.
Oh wow. Look what I got for free again. I got an iced chocolate from the yellow man cafe. How I wish the lady would give me an iced latte instead.
Oh well, better than nothing. Some kids can only dream about getting freebies.
Hmmm these creatures sure look really pathetic. Imagine eating dried grass and alfafa sprouts everyday. Poor things.
Sorry rabbits, even though I like you guys a lot but I'm not willing to share my raisins with you. You guys try to imagine eating a carrot or something when you are eating the sprouts ok?
*chomp chomp chomp*
Yummy. Raisins sure taste good especially while watching those bunnies eat crappy food. Ha ha
Maybe the food mummy gives me ain't so crappy after all.
Roarrrr I'm raring to go with lots of energy to do many things.
Hmmmm, what should I do actually?
I know, I know. I can play hide and seek. I better hide here.
Ta dah....I'm here.
Freaken hell. How to play hide and seek by myself. It's no fun at all. Where are my friends when I need them.
Heh heh I'm out of my house and having the time of my life. I sneaked out when mummy was having her siesta.
Hmmm, seems like being out without mummy isn't that bad afterall. At least I get to do whatever I like and not be told what to do or what not to do.
Looking at the pond makes me feel like swimming too. Should I????
Yahoo. I'm at the pool and having the time of my life. I should sneak out more often.
Maybe the next time I should add in some sedatives in mummy's coffee. She should be asleep for half a day.
I look like I've been crying but the truth is I'm just practising my melancholy look.
As my top clearly states "it's not easy being pretty". Yeah, I do understand this statement perfectly well. At my young unripe age, I've encountered many advances from not only little boys, but also little girls.
This world sure seems like a scary place to be in.
Eh, today is a bit quiet ya. Why no one ogling at me???? Basket.
Oh well, since no one wants to look at me today. Fine. I shall do something else with my time.
I shall dig my nose and eat my snot. Ha ha ha Tastes really weird actually. But still better than mummy's cooking.
Don't I look like a jockey on this horsey? I must be the youngest jockey in Singapore and maybe in the whole wide world.
*sigh* to be the best sure makes one lonely. Maybe I should try to be as normal as other kids.
Don't mind me. I'm just walking around the mall thinking of what to do later.
Actually I do feel like doing something right now. Yeah, I mean right now.
Ooooph....Ummmmmmm... okie, it's out now. Phew....having constipation sure isn't fun.
Just playing my ball while waiting for mummy to change my diapers. I know I'm a big kid but sometimes I just want mummy to have some chores to do like cleaning my backside.
Wondering whether I should leave my ball here while I go look for some food. It's a bit hard to eat and carry my ball at the same time.
What the heck. I'll just bring my ball and ask mummy to feed me instead. Why bother feeding myself when I have mummy at my beck and call.