Sunday, June 10, 2007

Sunday, June 10 2007

Look at me do a flip!!! I'm getting better and better at it. What to do? I'm just a living baby genius. Now I can flip so fast, maybe being round really does help.

Oh no, mummy just asked me to do some housework for her mainly wiping the floor. Shit....if only I didn't flip so fast.

I've finished wiping half of the lounge area's just to wipe the other half and then I can take a break.

Come on Yoo-ri, you can do it. Just a little more to wipe and I can have lunch. Mummy promised me something good for lunch. I can't wait. Maybe it's my favourite ice cream or a slice of chocolate cake.

*pant pant* Wa, doing housework sure is hard work. I'm totally exhausted but finally, I'm done. to call mummy and ask for my reward.

Mummy says I have to bath first so I have taken my bath and now I'm waiting very patiently for my lunch. Mummy!!! Where's my lunch??? Quick quick, I'm famished.

Phwah...the weather is really warm. Goodness, let me take off my rompers and cool off a bit. I don't wanna perspire or else mummy will make me take a bath again. And everytime she baths me, I always end up drinking some of my bath water cos as you know, my mummy is butter fingers.

Weird. I pulled and tugged but why is it my rompers can't be removed??? Is this a super romper???

Mummy still not out from the kitchen yet. Why so long??? I'm losing patience. But I cannot lose my temper or else mummy will take even longer just to piss me off further. Relax, little grasshopper, relax.

Great!!! I'm having a bug for appetizer. Nice looking bug too. Yum yum.

Oooh, it smells and tastes yummy. I love bugs, especially those with yellow heads.

The next course is caterpillar. I HATE CATERPILLARS. Nooooooo I refuse to eat it.

Nice daddy is soothing me after a horrifying main course of caterpillar which mummy force fed me. Mummy really knows how to make me upset. Why can't she be more like daddy???

Whenever daddy is around, I feel and I know I am safe. Daddy will never make me eat caterpillars. I love my daddy.

Daddy is busy now so he let me watch some tv while he works. Good ol' daddy. See how much my daddy loves me.

Hey, what's there over there?? It's a little ladybug. Eee, so cute. I feel like eating it.

Ms Ladybug is tickling my toes now. Her head looks a bit too big for her body. Poor ladybug. I suspect Ms Ladybug is aneroxic because aneroxics tend to have big heads.

Oopsey, I just squashed Ms Ladybug with my foot. Poor Ms Ladybug. I hope you have a better life in future.

Okie, now I'm gonna try to stretch and reach for the ladybug. I think she's gonna taste really good.

Walau, stupid Mr Dinosaur stole my snack of the day. Oy, Mr Dinosaur, come back here!!!! You cold blooded reptile. Come back here with my snack or I will have you as my snack!!!!

My new toys. Mummy got me 2 new teething blankies and a teddy bear musical doll.

Let me show you some of my new clothes.

Well, as you know, life's tough being a baby. We have to dress ourselves up to make our parents happy.

This is my favourite outfit. I like it because it has 3 cute little flowers and it is in my favourite color, yellow.

Mummy went mad again. She just tore off daddy's singlet and tore off my rompers. Oh no, I wonder how many slaps daddy will get this time.

All this drama just because daddy didn't put his soiled clothing into the laundry basket and just because I did a smelly fart.

Poor daddy. Poor me.

Now daddy and I have to stand here without moving as punishment.

Don't we look pathetic??? I'm not only cold, I'm hungry and my tummy is growling.

Daddy and I trying to comfort each other and giving each other body warm.

Isn't it terrible to have a mum/wife like that??? Poor us. Can anyone help us please?????

Auntie Von von, can you save me?????

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