Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Thursday, June 7 2007

Hi there everyone, I'm in a very good mood today. Can't you tell from my gleeful expression???

I've mastered something that I've been trying to do for the past 3 months. Finally I've done it.

Can you guess what I've managed to master after so long?? Make a guess. I promise I won't say you are dumb even if you get it wrong.

Alright alright, I'll tell you.

I've perfected my evil crazy look. I'm gonna use it whenever I play a prank on another baby and make him/her cry.

Then I'm gonna use this expression on the victim to scare the shit out of him/her.

Then I'm gonna use this expression when the adults get involved in the situation.

Then no one will suspect I'm the bully. I'm still working on this though. Need to be able to force out a few tears at will to perfect this look.

I'm trying to hide myself underneath the mattress. Then in future, I can hide from daddy and mummy whenever they are trying to punish me.

I hear them talking about naughty steps and naughty corner recently. What's up with that?

They got the idea from that supernanny TV show. The show shouldn't be called supernanny. I would call the show "superfreakenirritatingfatty". Supernanny my ass, I bet she pays off the kids to behave while the camera is rolling, then later on when she's gone, the kids give their parents a double scoop of "loving".

Ah ha, I've managed to hide myself under the mattress.

Problem is that I can't breath well underneath it.

Damn!!! I got to find another hiding place.

I couldn't find a hiding place in time. No choice lah, I have to go back to the basic plan when confronted by mummy and daddy... just cry as if I've been shot by a bullet.

When I grow up, I'm gonna write a book on how to deal with adults and sell them to kids. Babies will get a 20% discount since they don't have so much money.

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