Just a general update lah for the benefit of my grandparents who live in a far far away place called Jakarta. Also for my uncle Teddy and AUNTIE Evi. I now weigh 7.5kg and is about 66.5cm tall at 5.5 months old.
I've also started on solids on July 2 2007. Mummy fed me with 1 teaspoon of rice cereal mixed with boiled cooled water on the 1st day and of which I spilled about half of it. Mummy was super cheap, she didn't even make me anymore to make up for the cereal I toppled over.
Today, Mummy fed me with 1 teaspoon of rice cereal and then I wanted more, so she fixed me another 1/2 teaspoon and then another 1/2 teaspoon. I still wanted more but Mummy again lah, so cheap, didn't make me anymore. She claims she's not cheap and that she wants me to go slow with the solids but double ha, I know she is just plain lazy.
I'm in a bad mood today. Fat Boy has gone back to KL for holiday and I've no one else to bully.
I know. Auntie Jancie is gonna have a nephew real soon. The problem is I have to wait till the start of August before I can bully him.
But yet again, not a good choice to bully him. Later his policeman daddy come and catch me then I'm in trouble.
Do you have to keep taking pictures of me?? Even when I'm just minding my own business and punching my toys????
Can't I have even a little bit of privacy???
Now buzz off.
This is my sexy pose. I learnt it from my Auntie Joei aka Auntie Big Foot. Do I look sexy???
I doubt it too.
I'm doing a cobra now. I learnt it from Auntie Joei too when she was doing yoga. Funny thing is that I thought people who practise yoga are not flabby????
Then why is my Auntie Joei so flabby????
Mummy says I must eat more so I'm eating. I've been biting on this caterpillar for more than 10 minutes but why is it still around??? It must be a super caterpillar.
Oy, colorful caterpillar come back!!!! Where are you going???
I'm not done with you yet. COME BACK!!!!
Hmmm, this sure tastes weird. Not like the other things I've tasted on my mat. What is this mummy is feeding me???
On 2nd thoughts, it tastes a bit like .... hmmmm..actually I don't know what it tastes like because I've never really tasted any foods besides mummy's milk.
Remind me not to overeat in future. I feel like puking now. Think I got this bad habit of overeating from my Auntie Joei. She always eats and eats and eats then she gets too full and want to puke.
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