Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Thursday, June 12 2008

We're at Liang Court today. Mummy's getting some groceries but yet again, she got side tracked and is buying some sweet stuff again.

My mummy really is very greedy, always eating away.

Oh well, whatever food she can't finish, she will pass it over to me so I guess it ain't that bad afterall is it?!!

I'm having banana cake now.

Let me take a bite and give you my verdict on how it tastes like.

Crap. I feel like spitting it out but I'm too polite to do so in public. No wonder mummy didn't want to finish it. Basket. My mummy is really a classic evil woman.

Come Ryan, I show you my favourite pen. Now that our mummies are outside stuffing their faces, let's write on the walls and table. Don't worry, mummy won't scold us if your mummy is around.

Ha ha ha isn't it fun playing on my mummy and daddy's bed? Shall we do a pee pee here and surprise them later?

Let's see who can shout louder. Let's start now. 1, 2, 3....

Come, I show you my other mattress that I play on. It's not as soft as my mummy's bed but it's good for other uses. Sometimes I use it as a slide.

ROARRRRR...I'm a tiger, hear me roarrrr.

Me on a new ride. Not quite sure where we are, but seems like a different mall today.

I just like sticking out my tongue cos I know I look much cuter than Auntie Big Boobs doing it.

Look, admire and envy Auntie. :P

Heh heh trying to climb up this stack of high chairs. Wanna see me reach the peak?

Hmmm ya right. I have not bought insurance for myself yet. So no can do.

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