Sunday, November 2, 2008

Saturday, November 1 2008

Another day hanging out with mummy at Orchard Road. Even though I'm bored, it's still better than hanging out elsewhere I guess.

Let me sit in a different angle, maybe Orchard Road will look different in this angle.

Umm, seems like Orchard Road looks a wee bit different from here. Now I see the cars coming from the left rather than the right side. Interesting I must say.

I must be really going bonkers. This just shows you. Hanging out too much with mummy really makes you go crazy - crazy enough to think of such silly things to do.

Oy Fatty Spinstery Auntie, don't think I didn't see you giving me the glare ok. Basket. I heard from my mummy that you've been giving us the evil eye since months ago.

You wanna glare, come glare lah. I'm not scared of you, you old auntie.

I've perfected my pose. Yup, I sure did. I have finally mastered the perfect pooping pose.

I've also perfected my Angelina Jolie pout. How about it, Auntie Jolie? I've surpassed the master haven't I?

Don't worry though. Brad is not my cup of milk.

Now that guy standing there is more like my cup of milk. Excuse me Sir, you very handsome. Wanna sit with me and buy me a ice blended milk drink?

I look very thoughtful here, but in actual fact, I'm thinking about nothing. Sometimes I just like to space out and appear intelligent just to keep everyone on their toes.

How's my latest ah lian attire? I know purple is the in color and so are knee high socks. I know the latest trend in ah lian fashion cos one of my fave aunties used to head an ah lian clan. That auntie also happens to like purple.

Wait for me while I swallow my milk. Mummy always nags at me not to talk with my mouth full. Wait ok?

I'm just waiting for dinner to be served. Nowadays service getting a bit slow here. Not sure whether mummy getting slack or my expectations got higher.

Trying to look ugly with the Shrek ears. But as you can tell, nothing can uglify a beauty like me. I'm one of a kind.

Taking a picture of me in my school uniform seems to be mummy's fave hobby of late. Maybe she deprived when young and didn't get to wear a cute little uniform like mine.

Just having my normal breakfast at the counter. I have no complains eating here except it gets a bit cold cos my butt is resting on cold marble.

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