Preparing for my future. I'm trying to learn how to read. This book doesn't seem to have any words though. It must be one of those "picture" books. Looks sorta yummy. Maybe I just nibble on it instead. Learning is making me hungry.
Hmmm. I made the right decision. Eating the book is much more fun than reading it.
Doing my daily exercise. They call it a push-up. Which idiot invented this exercise. It's damn tough. Basket.
I decided to do my swim exercise instead. Its easier. And it's more fun.
Who is this? It's my friend Big Baa Baa. Can you guess who is behind Big Baa Baa? I give you a clue. Take a look at the hands holding Baa Baa. Yup you got it, it's Fat Boy. Fat boy trying to molest my friend. The little bugger.
You caught me redecorating my cot. I wasn't quite happy with the current ornaments. I'm thinking of going minimal and removing some stuff.
I'm trying to get a good perspective of my cot. I don't want to over do the redesign. After all, what if I change too much then later on I can't recognize my own cot? Then how to sleep?
This new contraption is promoted by Toe Zay's kid. They call it the Toe Zay's kid exercise kit. It sorta sucks. My tummy hurts and I don't feel any benefit. Basket.
I know it's not food. But I just can't resist munching on anything I can hold. I got the bad habit of Fat Boy. That baby sure does stick any and all stuff in his mouth. Next time I hand him one of my dirty nappy and see how.
Yum Yum. And I get to exercise my biting technique. Darn strangers come up to me and pinch my cheeks. Soon when my jaw gets stronger and my teeth come out, I'm going to bite their bony fingers like a piranha.
You can see exactly how much I'm enjoying my meal. I don't mind the awful taste, but come on lah, can I use a real spoon. The blue and yellow color of the spoon is weird. Soon I'm going to turn into a shoot bird staring at the darn thing.
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