Friday, November 9, 2007

Saturday, November 10 2007

Auntie Joei got me this. It's not my birthday so I don't know why she got me this. Also, why only 1 shoe?? Where is the other side?? What are you, Auntie Joei?? An elcheapo??!!!!

Auntie Joei, I'm not trying to be ungrateful but please do understand. My feet are firstly bigger than that shoe. Actually my finger can't even go in that shoe.

Secondly, that shoe cannot be eaten. So it's really useless to me.

Give me money next time ok?

See, at least giving me a little fish is more practical than a shoe. That's why I love my mummy. She's just a genius when it comes to getting me things that I like.

I read that before eating, it is a custom to pray to thank some gourd for the food being given. I don't really understand why we must pray to a gourd but what the heck. I'll just get it over and done with and get on with the eating.

Heh heh I'm done with the praying to the gourd. Now let me at the little fishy.

Hey, what happened to my fish??? Darn it. Mummy, come back with my fish!!!! It's mine.

As they say, if you can't have your fish, then take a toy and pretend that it is your fish.

Basket. At this rate I'm going, I'm gonna end up looking like Skinny.

As you can see, I'm still very unhappy with my mummy for stealing my fishy.

Sometimes I wonder whether I should just bang my head against the floor and end it all.

Why oh why do I have parents like them?

Sometimes I also feel like jumping down. But I got to figure how to climb up the railings first. So what to do? Practise on my fence first. Once I've mastered the art of climbing, I'm all set to go.

Can you guess what's on my face?

a) food stains
b) evidence of mummy beating me up
c) evidence of daddy beating me up
d) my weak attempt in putting blusher on my face

Well, just to show you what a sexy back I have. Eat your hearts out, mummy's friends. I've got the smoothest back in the block.

What you looking at? Never seen a baby eating is it?

Munch munch. An eating baby is a happy baby.

Hey I finished. Can I order a re-fill? I got my dad's credit card so I can even pay for it.

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