Monday, November 19, 2007

Tuesday, November 20 2007

Ah Ha! Mummy thinks I don't know where she put the house phone. I know where she puts that stuff. It's right on the table. Does she really think I can't get that phone??

I'll get it and that'll teach her to underestimate me.

Ummm, whatcha looking at? If you dare to laugh at me not being able to get the house phone, I'm gonna smack the living daylights outta you.

Look, a toy phone is equally just as good as a normal house phone. At least my phone can play music and is more colorful that the house phone.

Just practising some of my yoga moves. What do you expect me to do all day? Eat and play and what else? Life sure is boring.

Ummm don't ask me what move this is. I really don't know. I'm just 'pretending' to do yoga cos mummy claims I'm a yoga baby.

This is what I personally think of yoga. sux.

My foot's kinda itchy. Either the pram is dirty or daddy's car is dirty.

I get pretty sensitive to dirt. *scratch scratch*

Hey there Auntie. I recognize you. You are Auntie Von Von. Come come, come over and let me touch your face. I missed you so much.

Basket, this Auntie Von Von is very smart. She's been pushing me away since just now. Don't tell me she saw me scratching my foot earlier.

Wowee, Auntie Von Von brought me some nice looking food stuff.

Basket, this Auntie Von Von is a waste of time. It's a freaken bag she brought. Maybe I should just use this bag to knock her out.

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