Monday, September 22, 2008

Monday, September 22 2008

Teacher Denise, why you stretching out your hand for? I'm not passing you my blocks ok. Go find your own blocks to play with.

Basket. Stupid Itai just gave me a fright. I thought he was a monster for a second.

Sana, stop trying to copy what I'm doing ok. This is arts class not copying class buddy.

Daddy just taking me out shopping in my new pram. We haven't quite pimped it up yet so looks kinda plain but I assure you once it is done up, my pram will look like the King of Hummer.

Walau, mummy!!! Now then you come back here to pick me up. I have been waiting for the longest time. Quick, I'm bored stiff.

And now I start on my adventure at Great World City. This mall is like 2nd home to me. Seems like I know everyone here and everyone knows me here.

Guess what I am doing?

I'm just looking through the machine that goes beep beep beep. What else did you think I was doing?

Hmmm, what are those adults eating this time? They always seem to be eating something.

Whatever crappy food they are eating, I'm not interested in. I've got my lolly and I'm happy to be sucking on it.

Heh heh don't anyone dare to touch my lolly. It's mine and I mean ALL mine. Come near me and I bite.

Uncle Big Tummy, what you trying to do? Why you trying to get me drunk on vodka??? What you up to? Don't play play ok, my daddy is around.

See lah, Uncle Big Tummy paying so much attention to me that some Auntie with big feet feeling neglected and unwanted.

Auntie, don't worry ok. Your husband a bit old for me, I won't take him away from you. :P

What the heck is this? Auntie Big Foot, I know you think I'm a pirate cos I stole your husband's affection away from you but let me reiterate, I'm innocent. Can't help it if your husband showers me with his love.

Uncle Big Tummy, I think I like this hat. You buying it for me is it? If you are, then ask the sales assistant for a new piece please.

Hey, can you put it more money for me? I need to sit on this ride.

I need more money here too, Uncle Big Tummy.

Uncle, why you sulking? Auntie Big Foot made you angry again is it? *sigh* Poor Uncle. I pity you having to face Auntie day in and out. You have my utmost sympathy. :P

Just calling my grandparents to let them know I'm fine. Yeah, they very worried about me cos they think my daddy and mummy bully me all the time. This is also the day that daddy and mummy treats me extra nice cos they scared I'll complain to my grandparents about them.

Heh heh I'm out as usual. This place looks different though. There is so much empty space for me to run about in. I like this place.

Daddy is a bit slow as you can see. He's been trying to catch me for a while but still no success. Age sure is catching up with him. He's not as fast as he used to be.

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