Saturday, September 27, 2008

Sunday, September 28 2008

Uncle Big Tummy, what you trying to do??? I don't wanna weigh myself. Stop forcing me to. Hey look buddy, even baby girls have rights too ok AND I don't wish to weigh myself in front of you. A woman's weight is a secret ok. Don't force me to squeeze your nuts.

Phew. Finally escaped from that crazy uncle. I wonder what's his fascination with my weight. Go weigh your own wife lah. You probably can sell her at a higher price than me at the butchers.

Since there is a nice big mirror here, might as well check out my beautiful teeth.

Aaaahhhhh.....ummm looks perfect. I sure have a nice set of teeth.

Hey Auntie Big Foot, you are here. Ok lah, I'll go over and accompany you since you beg me to.

Auntie, be more proactive can? Help me take off my crocs lah. My arms too short, can't reach.

Auntie, you don't look very happy leh. What's wrong? Taking off my crocs very lose face is it? Come on lah, not like I asked you to take off your clothes. Relak lah Auntie.

Auntie, don't look so hungrily at my muffin. My muffin's stolen by Uncle Big Tummy for me ok, not for you. You fat enough. Go feed on your own reflection. :P

Uncle, can you please ask your crazy wife to stop looking so pathetic when I'm eating? It spoils my appetite you know?

I think this Auntie really has a screw loose in her head. She just smiling away so happily for no reason when Uncle Big Tummy just wacked her head.

Shit. This is getting scary. Maybe I should leave this place.

Even when I'm running away from a dire situation, I must remember to bring back my LV bag. Don't see my LV bag no up okay. It carries all my titbits and water supply.

Shit. Why this Uncle and Auntie can't just leave me alone ya?

Auntie, while you are here, can you lift me up to pass this unopened lolli to the receptionist here?

Hey thanks missy for helping me unwrap the lolli. You've been a great help. I'll commend you to your superior.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Monday, September 22 2008

Teacher Denise, why you stretching out your hand for? I'm not passing you my blocks ok. Go find your own blocks to play with.

Basket. Stupid Itai just gave me a fright. I thought he was a monster for a second.

Sana, stop trying to copy what I'm doing ok. This is arts class not copying class buddy.

Daddy just taking me out shopping in my new pram. We haven't quite pimped it up yet so looks kinda plain but I assure you once it is done up, my pram will look like the King of Hummer.

Walau, mummy!!! Now then you come back here to pick me up. I have been waiting for the longest time. Quick, I'm bored stiff.

And now I start on my adventure at Great World City. This mall is like 2nd home to me. Seems like I know everyone here and everyone knows me here.

Guess what I am doing?

I'm just looking through the machine that goes beep beep beep. What else did you think I was doing?

Hmmm, what are those adults eating this time? They always seem to be eating something.

Whatever crappy food they are eating, I'm not interested in. I've got my lolly and I'm happy to be sucking on it.

Heh heh don't anyone dare to touch my lolly. It's mine and I mean ALL mine. Come near me and I bite.

Uncle Big Tummy, what you trying to do? Why you trying to get me drunk on vodka??? What you up to? Don't play play ok, my daddy is around.

See lah, Uncle Big Tummy paying so much attention to me that some Auntie with big feet feeling neglected and unwanted.

Auntie, don't worry ok. Your husband a bit old for me, I won't take him away from you. :P

What the heck is this? Auntie Big Foot, I know you think I'm a pirate cos I stole your husband's affection away from you but let me reiterate, I'm innocent. Can't help it if your husband showers me with his love.

Uncle Big Tummy, I think I like this hat. You buying it for me is it? If you are, then ask the sales assistant for a new piece please.

Hey, can you put it more money for me? I need to sit on this ride.

I need more money here too, Uncle Big Tummy.

Uncle, why you sulking? Auntie Big Foot made you angry again is it? *sigh* Poor Uncle. I pity you having to face Auntie day in and out. You have my utmost sympathy. :P

Just calling my grandparents to let them know I'm fine. Yeah, they very worried about me cos they think my daddy and mummy bully me all the time. This is also the day that daddy and mummy treats me extra nice cos they scared I'll complain to my grandparents about them.

Heh heh I'm out as usual. This place looks different though. There is so much empty space for me to run about in. I like this place.

Daddy is a bit slow as you can see. He's been trying to catch me for a while but still no success. Age sure is catching up with him. He's not as fast as he used to be.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Thursday, September 18 2008

I've got a new sideline job. It's to walk around my block to make sure that nobody is loitering around the corridors. This is private property and my daddy is in the residence committee. So he has given me firm instructions to handle this situation.

Wah, quite tiring to walk around my block. Better to rest here first. Basket. I think I got chonked by daddy. He says he will pay me 10 cents each time I go round the block.

I think I see my friend Ryan.

Ryan!!! Come over here.

Wee hee hee on my favourite ride with my friend Ryan. He's getting a bit too big though. Very soon, he won't even be able to fit inside the seat of this ride.

Oh boy oh boy, this ride sure is really fun. I wonder if I ride on this more often, will I be able to climb like Spidey.

Now where did my friend Ryan run to? He supposed to play ball with me but apparently he disappeared into thin air.

Basket. He very smart hor, sit on the teddy bear ride without me. Yet again, he not that smart cos that ride costs $2 and he doesn't have a penny on him.

But what the heck, let me join him. It is definitely different from the other rides I've been on.

I just ran away from my mummy. But I just realized mummy has the house keys and scan card.

Never mind. I can try to squeeze myself through the gate. I'm pretty small so I may be able to go through this gate.

Basket. The freaken gate too small. Now I have to wait outside here.

Walau. Where is my mummy??? It's almost dinner time. I need her to come back and bring her home. Feed me my dinner!!!!!

Instead of idly waiting here, I might as well do something useful with my time.

Better to practise my stretching. I don't wanna end up being inflexible and flabby when I grow up like my Auntie Big Foot.

Daddy just saw me outside and let me in. Now he asking where mummy is. I don't know daddy, everything I don't know. I really have no idea where mummy ran away to. It's none of my business.

What the heck is this man? I look like a drag in a pussy outfit.

Now...this is more my style. I'm Yoo-ri okie, as in GI Yoo-ri.

Daddy, you are cramping my style. I'm supposed to be stylo mylo and stylo mylo people cannot be seen sharing a hug with their daddies.

Going to order my favourite vanilla crepe. It's my latest favourite food. :)

See what happens after I devour a vanilla crepe? I go on an ecstacy high.

I don't know what daddy trying to do but I'm not amused at all.

Someone please tell my daddy to grow up.

Daddy, stop looking at me. I'm not sharing my raisin with you. You getting fat, raisins gonna make you fatter.

You can watch me pick my teeth though. I hate it when my raisin gets stuck in between my teeth.

Now to have a rest before I head down to the pool for my weekly workout.

I love swimming with daddy. At least he takes me to the adult pool instead of just playing in the shallow water like what my mummy would do.

This is where mummy likes to put me at. Look mummy, this place only good for me to practise dancing ok. I'm a big girl now, I need to go to the deep waters.

This is my school as you can see. I not quite sure what I was trying to do. But whatever it is, I sure look intelligent.

Auntie, come over and join me. Come lah, don't be shy. Old people with big feet are welcome in the shop.

Now we can play Yoo-ri Says. I start first. Yoo-ri says pretend to be a dog.

My turn again. Yoo-ri says lick the seat.

There is no your turn Auntie. As the name of the game states, it's Yoo-ri says. Which part of that do you not understand?

No point complaining lah Auntie. People with big feet have no right in my turf.