Sunday, June 24, 2007

Sunday, June 24 2007

I'm trying to look like an enlightened and contented baby. Come closer lah, I'm very cute. Come closer, then I freaken whack you with my new toy, sucker!

My head's a little bit heavy so it's stuck to the floor. Still trying to build up my neck muscles.

Ah Ha. My neck is working now. Showtime.

Wow. I can raise my head really high.

What you staring at. Haven't you seen a baby before? When I figure out how to crawl, then I come over and whack you then you know.

Shit, my neck getting tired. My head about to hit the floor.

Planning what to do for the rest of today. Should I work or not? Hmmm. It's a Sunday so maybe I rest today. Fat boy can run the business on his own at least one day.

Mummy got a new bag. The current diaper bag was getting a bit tattered. I approve of the new purchase. It looks like it can hold my standard outdoor diapers and some bottles too. Color a bit yucky but I guess if I take a dump, it won't show.

This is my new chair. It's called a director's chair. I promoted myself at work. So now I'm a director so I need a director chair. As you can see it is ergonomically designed. Plus it has a food tray in case we have working lunch meetings. Very convenient.

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